Parenting in Africa Network (PAN) – Consultancy Opportunity for Documentarists

Activity: Documentation of Parental Involvement in the Development and Education of Children in their Early Ages.


Parenting in Africa Network (PAN) is a Pan-African Network of organizations, individuals and institutions keen to promote ‘skilful’ parenting practices in Africa for the overall wellbeing of children and their families. The network creates and facilitates interactive platforms for learning, sharing and also indulges in advocacy of various topical issues surrounding parenting. To date, PAN has successfully managed to build and disseminate knowledge on various aspects of parenting in Africa.

Background and Project Description

The family forms the most important structure where children are shaped and prepared to face the external world. As noted in the declarations of the 27th sessions of the UN General Assembly; ‘The primary responsibility for the protection, upbringing and development of children rests with the family.1 Thus, parenting is a very important ingredient in moulding behaviour and imparting social skills during the formative years, necessary in instilling morals, self-discipline and responsibilities in children.
PAN’s 2012 research, identified teachers as important actors in the safety, growth and wellbeing of children. Early childhood learning centres were thus highlighted as an important service structure that provide the missing link in integration of parents in the in the holistic development of their children especially in the critical formative age and window of opportunity (age 0-8).
In light of this, PAN has, in collaboration with its partners - ACDT (Action for Child Development Trust) and Daraja Civic Initiatives Forum – been pushing for the involvement of parents in the development and education of children in their early ages. The project has covered Navakholo and Bunyala in Kakamega county, Butula in Busia county and Embakasi area in Nairobi county.
As the project comes to a successful end, PAN plans to document the importance of parental involvement in the development and education of children in their early ages.


  1. A script directing how the video documentation will be undertaken
  2. A master copy of the raw unedited version of the entire documentation
  3. 25--30 minutes documentary capturing the various parenting topics identified through narrations from the selected communities, in their own language and featuring voice over translations in different languages according to context (which will be agreed upon accordingly)
  4. A 15 minute clip suitable for training sessions
  5. A 2 to 5 minute clip for sharing with partners through various PAN media
  6. Action photos capturing the various interviewees or families in their natural setting
  7. Write up presenting key messages from ‘the story’ (summary of cases to be written after video is edited).
  8. Submission of final master high quality video in HD, AVI and MP4 formats


  • Documentary showing the importance of parental involvement in the development and education of children in their early ages. This will be shared in various formats within PAN membership in the region.
  • Write up presenting key messages from ‘the story’ to be used in developing fact sheets, policy briefs and IEC materials for parenting education approaches.
  • PAN’s Responsibility
  • Establish and facilitate contact with implementing partners (ACDT and Daraja Civic Initiatives Forum)
  • Coordinate with implementing partners for the field visits to set appointments, identify content and capture the footage
  • Review and approve the work plan, including schedule for filming, timeframe and approach to be used
  • Provide reference materials
  • Identify thematic cases for documentation
  • Provide feedback when and where necessary
  • Meet the relevant costs related to this production, as agreed in the contract upon approved offer
  • Review and approve the draft and final production as stipulated in the deliverables section of contract

The Consultant
We are looking for a documentarist/consultant with experience in documenting human interest stories and with a particular interest in family studies.

Required Experience

  • 3 and above years of experience working in a similar field
  • Extensive experience in producing development-related documentaries for national or international organisations with the aim of reaching both local and international audiences
  • Experience working with Non-Governmental Organizations
  • Local knowledge of all regions covered by the project
  • Excellent technical capacities (state-of-the-art filming equipment, preferably High Definition) to ensure smooth and high quality production.

Interested consultants should send their application via email to on or before 5:00 p.m., April 15, 2016. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Please include:

  • Cover letter including details of the cost breakups inclusive of all applicable taxes
  • Consultant profile highlighting experience. Include copies of previous contracts/ToRs
  • Links to at least two recent documentaries for reference and quality checks

Click here to download the terms of reference.