Webinar: Tackling HIV through Social Protection- Research Implications for Policy & Practice

Webinar: Tackling HIV through Social Protection- Research Implications for Policy & Practice


New research shows how social protection can play a  life-saving role in responding to the challenges that HIV brings to children and adolescents. In particular, it can improve HIV outcomes and ART-adherence, and reduce HIV risk. It also underpins the achievement of many of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals.

This webinar explores the latest research findings and examines their implications for how we design, fund and deliver support to HIV-affected communities.

  • Chaired by:  Noreen Huni is Chief Executive Officer, Regional Psychosocial Support Initiative (REPSSI), a 13 country regional NGO that provides leadership, and quality technical assistance in psychosocial care and support for children and youth affected by poverty, conflict, HIV & AIDS. Ms Huni has wide ranging experience in health education, community development advocacy and policy development. 
  • Presenter: Lucie Cluver is a Professor of Child and Family Social Work, in the Centre for Evidence-Based Social Intervention in the Department of Social Policy and Intervention, and an Honorary Lecturer in Psychiatry and Mental Health at the University of Cape Town. She works closely with the South African government, USAID-PEPFAR, UNICEF, the World Health Organisation and Save the Children, and with other international NGOs, to provide research evidence that can improve the lives of children affected by HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Presenter: Paul Quarles van Ufford is currently Chief Social Policy with UNICEF Tanzania. Up to end 2016 he occupied the same position with UNICEF Zambia, working on social protection, child poverty, and public finance for children. In this capacity, he coordinated UNICEF and UN support to the Government of Zambia in the field of social protection. This included the development of the National Social Protection Policy, the scale up of the Social Cash Transfer, and the roll out of a linkage between the cash transfer and HIV prevention under the regional HIV-sensitive social protection initiative.
  • PresenterJason Wolf leads the Demand & Community Mobilization portfolio within the Integrated Delivery team at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.  Jason comes to the Foundation from a long and varied career at USAID, where he led the design and delivery of evidence-based social protection interventions for the DREAMS Partnership to reduce new HIV infections among adolescent girls and young women in 10 high-burden countries of sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Presenter: David Chipanta is Senior Advisor Social Protection with UNAIDS based in Geneva. David provides leadership within UNAIDS to develop and implement new and innovative high profile strategies, tools for mobilization of Social Protection Care and Support actors. He served as UNAIDS Country Director for Liberia before the Ebola Outbreak, as AIDSRelief Country Co-ordinator for Kenya, Team Leader for Catholic Relief Services Care and Support Programme in Nigeria and as Senior Analyst Health Systems with Abt Associates in Bethesda, Maryland. David is a founder member of the Network of People Living with HIV in Africa (NAP+) and the Network of Zambian People Living with HIV (NZP+). He holds a Masters’ degree in Public Administration International Development (MPA/ID) from Harvard University John F Kennedy School of Government and a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from San Diego State University in California.


Webinar hosted by RIATT-ESA and The Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS

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