Roadmap to ICASA 2019

The biggest AIDS conference in Africa is back, ICASA 2019,  is taking place from the 2nd to the 7th December, in Kigali Rwanda. Under the theme "AIDS FREE AFRICA - Innovation, Community, and Political Leadership".

Don’t miss RIATT-ESA and its partners at ICASA 2019. Below is a roadmap of activities not to be missed.


5 December RIATT-ESA Poster Presentation- Study on Adolescent and Young People HIV Social Protection Mechanisms in Partner States in East Africa.

On the 5th of December 2019, at the ICASA conference RIATT-ESA will be presenting a recent study by Zitha Mokomane, commissioned by RIATT-ESA, that reviewed regional and national instruments and documents related to social protection, and conducted a situational analyses of social protection programmes in the EAC. The purpose of this study was to map social protection mechanisms in the EAC and explore the extent to which they are child and HIV-sensitive.


3 and 5 December SAfAIDS Side Events- Join SafAIDS and other partners for these two key side events sessions accelerating the Children and HIV response towards achieving Start Free, Stay Free and AIDS Free; and advancing Male Engagement in the intersectional SGBV & HIV Prevention response. 


4 December Satellite Session- Ending the HIV epidemic among adolescent girls and young women in Africa: What will it take? The session will review the status of Africa’s response to the crisis of HIV among adolescent girls and young women, through the eyes of African elders, major institutions on the frontlines of the response and adolescent girls and young women themselves.

5 December Satellite Session- Enhancing paediatric service delivery: A key to closing the treatment gap for children. Join UNICEF and partners i the launch of a new paediatric service delivery framework and explore optimal, evidence-informed best practices to close the gap in terms of testing, treating and retention of children in lifelong HIV care.

6 December Satellite Session- Data-driven tailored programming for the last mile to EMTCT- Join UNICEF and partners for the launch of a programme guide based on the latest scientific research and programmatic evidence that will address key considerations for programming in support of countries going the “last mile” to EMTCT.

2 December Start Free, Stay Free, AIDS Free Meeting- Meeting the 2020 HIV targets for children, adolescents and young women: remaining roadblocks and potential game changers. You are invited to join the discussion on the barriers and game changers found by the Start Free, Stay Free, AIDS Free Report.

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Frontline AIDS is going to be at ICASA- You can find them at booth number 23 in the community village. Click here to downloads Frontline AIDS ICASA roadmap.