Measuring the Strength of National Social Service Systems

The United States Government and others have made substantial investments to strengthen social service systems for orphans and vulnerable children as one means to control the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

MEASURE Evaluation—funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)—developed 33 core indicators to assess outcomes of social service system strengthening.

This framework can be used by governments and its partners for program monitoring or for an ad hoc assessment to determine the status of the national system and identify gaps for ongoing program interventions. It can also be used to monitor system strengthening outcomes overtime, supporting governments and organizations to document changes resulting from system strengthening efforts.

Read more and download the full guidance document here:

Watch a 40-minute webinar about the framework and its application here:

For more information, visit 
