Call for Proposals- PITCH Critical Evidence Review

Aidsfonds and the International HIV/AIDS Alliance are inviting applications for systematic evidence reviews to inform advocacy and programming for PITCH.
PITCH stands for Partnership to Inspire, Transform and Connect the HIV response. PITCH is a strategic partnership between Aidsfonds, the International HIV/AIDS Alliance and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs working with those most affected by HIV (people living with HIV, adolescent girls and young women, men who have sex with men, transgender people, sex workers, people who use drugs) in enabling these groups to transform (inter)national HIV responses by strengthening their advocacy skills and capacities and promoting innovative evidence-informed practice.

It is hoped that this will enable them to advocate for a more effective response to ensure all people have equal access to sexual and reproductive health services, including HIV-related services. From 2016-2020, PITCH will jointly work towards ending the HIV epidemic in the regions and countries most affected by HIV through an inclusive, in-country, indepth approach to international lobby and advocacy. PITCH currently operates at global and regional levels, and in nine specific countries. 

Evidence review topic and research questions
The terms of reference relates to a critical review of published and unpublished research in a key area of interest for PITCH. PITCH is commissioning this review, taking into account the PITCH global Theory of Change and critical knowledge gaps in the global state of evidence. 

Application process
The deadline for applications is 9th May 2018. To apply submit a proposal containing the following main sections:

  • Qualification to undertake the assignment—explain your team’s experience and qualifications in relation to a) the specific review topic and b) the general terms of the TOR, i.e. critical evidence reviews. Please describe your track record in undertaking high impact, policy-relevant research and knowledge exchange.
  • List of relevant academic and non-academic publications—with links to the abstracts/PDFs where available.
  • Affiliation and access to relevant resources—relevant details if you work at or are affiliated to a recognised research institution and have access to search engines, libraries and networks of people who may provide grey/unpublished data.
  • Human resources—brief bios of all staff working on the assignment, and clear explanation of the roles they will perform (annex to include full CVs for all staff).
  • Budget—total sum requested, and explanation of how this has been costed. Note: the maximum budget per review is €40,000.
  • Proposed schedule—including calculations of days of effort and deadlines according to
    the template in the TOR.

Applications to be sent in WORD or PDF format by email to Marina Schkot, Support Officer:
Knowledge at the International HIV/AIDS Alliance ( by 9th May 2018.

Click here to download the full terms of reference.