Getting to 90-90-90 in Paediatric HIV: What is needed?

Targeting 90-90-90 - don't leave children and adolescents behind.

Mary-Ann Davies1 and Jorge Pinto2

Nearly a year ago, UNAIDS launched the ambitious ‘’90-90-90’’ targets to help end the AIDS epidemic: by 2020, 90% of people living with HIV will be diagnosed, 90% of those diagnosed will be on sustained antiretroviral therapy (ART) with 90% viral suppression in those on ART [1]. A welcome feature of the targets is that they focus not just on expanding access to diagnosis and treatment but also on quality of care in terms of retention and suppression, which are key to optimal HIV outcomes. Perhaps the greatest challenge in achieving these targets will be ensuring that their reach is extended to all populations everywhere. It is therefore encouraging and appropriate that the 90-90-90 targets prioritize equity across populations, with specific focus on their achievement for children and adolescents [1]. The Collaborative Initiative for Pediatric HIV Education and Research has sponsored this supplement of the journal to highlight some of the challenges and ways forward towards attaining 90-90-90 for children and adolescents. Many of these are outlined in the opening paper by Abrams and Strasser [2].

Download the full publication here.

The Collaborative Initiative for Paediatric HIV Education and Research (CIPHER) is the flagship paediatric programme of the International AIDS Society (IAS), aimed at optimizing clinical management and delivery of services to infants, children and adolescents affected by HIV in resource-limited settings through advocacy and research promotion.
The publication of this special issue was supported by CIPHER, with continued support from Founding Sponsor ViiV Healthcare and with support from Janssen.