Child marriage and HIV: a relationship ignored for too long

Relatively little is known about the causal relationship between child marriage and HIV. From the limited research and evidence we have available, we have learnt is that child marriage can increase the risk of girls becoming HIV infected. It is therefore critical that we tackle the relationship between child marriage and HIV. 

Girls Not Brides new brief: ’Child marriage and HIV: a relationship ignored for too long’ outlines how these two issues are interlinked and identifies three key recommendations that need to be undertaken:

  • There needs to be more research on the links between child marriage and HIV to better understand the relationship.
  • Child brides need to be specifically targeted with HIV information and services so they know how to protect themselves and can get better access to services.
  • HIV programming needs to be linked with multi-sectoral national initiatives to end child marriage.

Click here to download Girls not Brides brief on Child marriages.