
Policy Brief: Child cash transfers halve HIV risk behaviours for adolescent girls


Cash transfers.pdf

A longitudinal survey of over 3,000 girls found that cash transfers to poor households allow teenage girls to make safer sexual choices. They reduce reliance on 'sugar daddies' to provide basic needs. However, cash transfers do not reduce all HIV-infection risks, and must be part of combination prevention approaches.

Policy Brief: Pathways from parental AIDS to psychological, educational and HIV risks for children


Pathways from parental AIDS.pdf

Cash transfers.pdf

Household mobility.pdf

Substance abuse & educ.pdf

Adult treatment& children's education.pdf

Pyschosocial outcomes.pdf

Key findings from a cross-sectional survey of over 6,000 children in South Africa include that AIDS orphanhood and parent AIDS-illness impact children through a set of linked factors. Family AIDS increases likelihood of parental disability, poverty, community violence, stigma and child abuse, and these in turn negatively impact children. These risk pathways work in chain effects – they link with each other to increase risks further.