Regional Hub Summary report of country calls

During October-November 2023, the Regional Hub convened virtual consultations with the eight Global Alliance countries in the ESA region. The main objective of the consultations was to accelerate the

implementation of the country action plans by understanding progress and challenges, generating solutions, and sharing learning. The consultations were attended by Regional Hub members and country teams comprising representatives of national ministries of health, national networks of people living with HIV, the UN, and funding, technical and implementing partners. Th roughout th e discussions, the challenges faced by each country we re acknowledged, reinforcing the commitment to transparency and

collective problem solving. Country teams were provided with a common template to facilitate learning across countries. Countries were paired (Kenya and Uganda, South Africa and Zambia, Tanzania and Zimbabwe) using a format that encouraged cross country sharing. (Technical difficulties resulted in separate calls with Angola and Mozambique.)

This report summarizes the learning from the calls and presents key next steps by country and at regional level.

Read full report here

COMPENDIUM OF PROMISING PRACTICES of African Faith Community Interventions Against Paediatric and Adolescent HIV

UNAIDS, PEPFAR and USAID have co-published the Compendium of Promising Practices on the Role of African Faith Community Interventions to End Paediatric and Adolescent HIV. The Compendium documents 41 promising practices that provide evidence of the core roles that faith communities have played in identifying undiagnosed children living with HIV, improving continuity of treatment, supporting adolescents to access psychosocial support, care and treatment, and enabling peer support groups to empower children and adolescents living with HIV. It also documents how faith leaders have driven advocacy to tackle stigma and discrimination and pushed governments for targets to be achieved. The Compendium showcases the transformative impact of faith-based approaches, highlighting innovative strategies, programmes, and interventions that have saved lives and nurtured the well-being of young individuals. By combining the power of faith with evidence-based interventions, these organizations have created a synergy that reaches far beyond mere medical treatment. They have fostered a sense of belonging, love, and support, creating safe spaces where children and adolescents affected by HIV can find solace, guidance, and empowerment.

Click here to download the full document.

Read the summary report here.

A Quarter for Prevention? Global Fund Investments in HIV Prevention Interventions in Generalized African Epidemics

June 2017 ICASO and EANNASO published a discussion paper suggesting that the Global Fund might not be investing enough money in HIV prevention in Africa to meet its targets.

The Global Fund Strategy 2017-2022 sets ambitious targets for HIV prevention aiming to achieve a 38% reduction in new infections over the 2015-2022 period, including a 58% reduction in HIV incidence in adolescent girls and young women aged 15-24. However, this discussion paper highlights how not all countries and populations are makings the same progress on prevention.

Key Findings include:

  • Among the sample, an average of 15% of HIV and TB/HIV Global Fund grants are dedicated to HIV prevention interventions. This is below the UNAIDS benchmark of 26% for prevention.
  • The Global Fund’s investments in HIV prevention are largely in line with disease burden. Countries with higher numbers of new infections request and receive more HIV prevention funding.
  • Advocacy from civil society and communities is absolutely vital, particularly on urging countries to request greater HIV prevention funding for key populations and adolescent girls and young women

This discussion paper frames resource needs for HIV prevention in terms of global estimates. The aim of this discussion paper is to contribute to civil society and community groups’ advocacy efforts to increase Global Fund investments in HIV prevention interventions during the 2017-2019 funding cycle.

Click here to download the Discussion Paper