Opportunity: Administrator/Director of the International Parent Advocacy Network (IPAN)

The International Parent Advocacy Network (IPAN) aims to increase the power of parents impacted by child protective systems. By supporting parents and organizations that challenge excessive surveillance and family separation through state care and adoption. IPAN works to empower parents around the world, so that their voices are heard and their rights protected.

IPAN is seeking a person to work one day a week for the next six months as the administrator of IPAN. The intention is to raise funds to provide full-time positions as a co-directorship of IPAN consisting of a parent with lived child welfare experience and an ally.

The administrator will have two main areas of responsibility which are described below.

  1. Coordinating and developing the organizational and programmatic activities of IPAN

  2. Assisting with the planning and organizing of IPAN’s launch international conference in June 2021

The job will start as soon as possible. It will be a one-day a week position in 2020. In 2021 the administrator will become a co-director of IPAN with a parent and an ally sharing the directorship. The administrator should be based in New York City. IPAN is incorporated in New York State and the conference will take place in New York City.

For information on requirements or how to apply, click here. Application Deadline: 31 March 2020 Sunday.