Consultancy: An assessment of national paediatric testing guidelines and advocacy in the EAC and SADC

Title: An assessment of national paediatric testing guidelines and advocacy in the EAC and SADC

Description of Service: Consultancy Services

Expected start date: 16th April 2020

Expected completion date: 31st May 2020

Reporting to: Advocacy Technical Working Group through the RIATT-ESA Programme Manager

Location of Assignment: Desk review, with virtual consultations with key stakeholders in the ESA region

Background and Justification: Despite remarkable progress in prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT), 160,000 children were newly infected with HIV in 2018. Less than half of HIV exposed infants (HEI) received early infant diagnosis (EID) within 8 weeks of life, a major challenge for initiating early antiretroviral therapy (ART) for infants living with HIV. Ending the HIV pandemic is possible, but to do so, we must act quickly and recognize that the needs of children—the most vulnerable among us and unable to advocate on their own behalf—are included.


Aim of the Study: The main purpose of the study is to identify the gaps in pediatric HIV testing with a view to determining the appropriate advocacy required to improve the coverage of pediatric HIV testing in all countries in the EAC and SADC in order to find and test those infants and children (aged 0-3 years and 4-9 years) currently not on treatment thereby enabling them to access treatment.  The study will look at the published data on paediatric HIV testing including EID for all countries across the ESA region, comparing actual coverage against targets. It will also undertake a more detailed review of constraints limiting uptake of promising service delivery interventions in a limited number of countries to draw up an advocacy agenda on this issue.

Scope of this assignment / Detailed Activities and Tasks

Consultation with stakeholders: Consult with key and relevant stakeholders at national level in the ESA region  


This assignment has 4 deliverables:

  1. Inception Report;

  2. A review of all the countries in the EAC and in SADC for which data are available to achieve objectives 1 - 3;

  3. Recommendations to guide advocacy campaigns in the identified countries; and

  4. Study Report.

Required qualifications, desired competencies, technical background and experience. The consultant(s) will require the following skills:

  • Relevant advanced academic degree (Medicine, Social Sciences, Public Health, Development Studies, Economics or related fields); previous experience leading teams; knowledge of paediatric TB and HIV programmes; knowledge of institutional development and capacity assessment; high quality report writing skills;

  • Demonstrated experience in conducting advocacy studies and planning for advocacy campaigns.

  • Demonstrated experience in institutional development and with knowledge of paediatric HIV programmes and implementation;

  • Experience working with governments, international donors and others.

  • The ideal candidate will have strong organisational ability, excellent writing skills and a strong command of English.

  • Experience with a record of delivering high-quality documents and reports within strict time frames will be required.

How to apply: Potential candidates are requested to submit the following to cc by 6th April 2020 at 5pm Johannesburg time. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted:

  • A cover letter outlining your skills and experience;

  • A detailed CV.

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